Punk Rock: Classic and Modern

The REOFFENDERS are on an indefinite break. Never say never, but we currently have no plans to play. However, we had joy and we had fun... and we blogged about it. Enjoy reading and reliving some good times.

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day of Two Gigs - Part Two

Whenever we do the kazoo intro to a new audience, I'm never sure what they're thinking. The kazoos = cheese. The Final Countdown = cheese. Put them together = quattro fromage with parmesan on top! There were some bemused looks as people tried to work out what we were but then a quick launch into Neat Neat Neat sorts that out. We were rattling through songs at an amazing speed, so much so that I was trying to think of extra songs to put in the set!

The rain had lowered the numbers for Topshambles. It had rained continuously since mid afternoon and was a pretty miserable day for camping. But the hardcore who'd turned out (including a guy who'd ridden down from Barry!) were up for a good time. We had lots of positive comments from people at half time and at the end which was nice. It's not only a new audience for us but a new type of audience, with us being Scooter Do virgins before last night.

A good night was had by all and we left the party animals dancing to Trumpy and Didge's deejaying into the early hours of the morning. Top night guys, thanks!


A superb, if wet, afternoon made even better by copious amounts of cider and some good punk rock. Shame it ended so quickly. If only if it hadn't been for all the yokels trying drink yards of ale !!!

By Blogger Gary, at 12:38 pm, July 14, 2009  

Hey Gary, look us up on Facebook! We've got loads more pics/videos and stuff on there

By Blogger Heather, at 2:36 pm, July 14, 2009  

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Blogger Gary said...

A superb, if wet, afternoon made even better by copious amounts of cider and some good punk rock. Shame it ended so quickly. If only if it hadn't been for all the yokels trying drink yards of ale !!!

12:38 pm, July 14, 2009
Blogger Heather said...

Hey Gary, look us up on Facebook! We've got loads more pics/videos and stuff on there

2:36 pm, July 14, 2009

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